Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hong Kong Trip part deux

On the ferry the girls hang out the side and watch the boat wake. The weather was overcaste with the clouds touching the tops of the sky-scrapers. The weather was about 20C with 90% humidity. I was in a constant cold sweat.

Here we are standing on the elevated walkway to the Ferry to Kowloon and watching Hong Kong grow. The water front is being pushed out all the time. Nealy all the banks and buildings are insolvent, but the economic momentum still drives growth.

On the way back from the night markets we took the subway. Sean is watching a man play his PSP.

This is the primary park in Kowloon accross the bay from HK big island. Along the perimeter of the park are the tailors and markets most associated with HK shopping. When the kids would stray off the paths, the security would correct them faster than we could as parents. No sitting on steps or laying down on park benches. And keep off the grass!

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