Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bar10 Ride

I just wrote this whole thing and the post failed losing all my clever verbiage. So jerebis the second attempt.

The Big Bear Trail Riders held their annual Bar10 Ride from Mesquite NV to the Bar10 Ranch along a stretch of high desert called the Arizona strip. The 100 or so miles were along jeep trails and fire roads which made for fast riding. We covered the distance in less than five hours. Once at the ranch, we ate lunch and rode the remaining 10 miles to the rim of the Grand Canyon.

The ranch is run by third generation brothers who host river rafters and raise cattle. They are excellent hosts and even do a little talent show after the family style dinner. It is like staying at a friend's house.

The ride home was through some very scenic desert landscape. It was hard to keepy eyes on the trail and we stopped often to takenot all in.

Then came the 400 mile drive home through Las Vegas on a Sunday evening. Ugh.

Thus concludes another well organized BBTR event.

Next is the Charity Ride on May15th in Beaumont to Idyllwild.

- Posted from my iPhone, heh.

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