Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Gone fishin'...

Sean and I went fishin' for the first time. This is at Huckleberry Pond in the Santa Ana lakes. You just show up and they give you the pole, bait, bucket and stuff. They created a little pond and stock it with catfish. You can catch a fish almost immediately which is great b/c four year olds don't have much patience. The catch (pun) is that they charge $4.50/lb for the fish you catch. But at least they fillet them for you. We caught two fish in about an hour of fishing and it cost us (me) $21. At least we were able to cook them for dinner. Catfish is ok, I guess. I prefer trout. Here's the pics...

1 comment:

ASH said...

Where'a the pic of you fishing Sean out of the water? hahaha jk.