Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gone fishing

The girl and I went fishin' on my birthday. We caught three trout in the pond in 10 minutes. Hardly fishing. More like just catching. Perfect for a five year old.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Barstow to AVI Ride

I left on Sat 3:45am and two days and over 400 miles later I made it home by 10:30pm Sunday. It was quite the adventure. Saturday was a great day. It was cool, sometimes cloudy, but perfect riding weather. Sunday was another story all-together. It was raining, cold, and miserable. We were soggy by the persistent rain. We had make frequent stop to warm our hands on our exhaust to gain enough feeling back to control our bikes. We struggled with visibility as we peered between the water drops on our goggles. The risk was a possible crash caused by an unseen trail obstacle. Sunday was a marathon day - 11 hours on the bike. The last 30 miles in the pitch black desert night.  The organizers, Big Bear Trail Riders, did a wonderful job supporting and feeding us all. I met some really wonderful people and hope to ride with them again soon.