So I had invited Warren to go fishing a month or so back in an email. What I didn't realize was that the exclusion of his sister Cassie made it all that more important. It was always my intention to include everyone who wanted to go. In the end, it was Sean who wanted to stay home.
Warren initiated himself into the sport of fishing by playing with the net and falling into the lake.
Warren then recovered by cathing a 2 lb catfish in the middle of winter.
But it was Cassie who led the way with two fish caught. The first was a little farm trout and then she simulteneously caught a catfish of equal size to her brother. At $4.50/lb our trip was concluded.
The joke of the day was that a catfish is so dumb that it is dead and doesn't know it yet. And when it finally realizes it is dead the information isn't of any use to it.
Here is a picture of the girls before bed on New Year's Eve.