Sunday, July 23, 2006

Meghan too...

Here is Meghan at school during water day... They had a jumper with a bunch of 2 year olds in it. What you can't see is that it is nearly 90 degrees that day. The teachers were wilting...
Sean has soccer on Saturday mornings. But Meghan has really taken to the sport and is an excellent dribbler.

Fireplace project....

Sean and I are taking out the original brick work in fron of the fireplace. He is a good worker who listens to instructions and doesn't mind helping to clean.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Knotts Field Trip...

Sean and I went on a field trip with his pre-school troop this week. Sean successfully made it onto the school bus taking us the 3 miles to Knott's. There were a few moments of anxiety on various rides. The second picture is of us on the Log Jam ride. I carried him kicking and complaining the whole way. His fear was only matched by Ishika's. We had a lot of fun and hope to go to get to the circus in two weeks.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Sean's first day playing an organized (futbol)

So this was Sean's first day playing soccer. He did really well. He listened and paid attention to the coach. He was also able to successfully master all the drills like dribbling and passing. At the end Sean was a little upset that they didn't actually PLAY soccer. It seemed there was a lot of waiting in line. Oh, and it was HOT at 9am. As much fun as the kids were having, I think that the parents were more interesting to watch - Like helicopters at a freeway sig alert...Below are the pics...