Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Have car, will travel....

At the dinner Sean recounts his favorite topic. He looks at Silvia and says,"Dad's car was stolen, Mom." Then he looks at me and asks,"Did they steal your car, Dad?"

I reply,"Yes, Sean. They stole my car."
Sean reinterates,"Yeah, dad. They stoled it." Then he takes a bite of food and asks,"Who stole it, Dad?"

I tell him that somepeople do bad things and steal.

So it has been a month and my insurance company is going to cut me a check for fair market value. Which is probably better than if I had tried to sell it myself.

So I am in the market for a new car as soon as I get a check.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Just let it go.....

Ok. One last post b-day thing. The Onion in history on my birthday. Ok, I am over it.

Last Week:
No car.
No School.
Work is kickin' my a$$.
1 Kid is sick.

This Week:
No Car
Midterm exam on Wed.
Work still kickin' my a$$.
Other kid sick.

It all evens out. (Seinfeld)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Post B-day tidbits

So it has been brought to my attention that I share birthdays with Quincy Jones, Billy Crystal, J. Fred Muggs, Megan Follows (TV's own Anne of Green Gables!!) and someone named Grit Haid. They all sound rich and famous... except maybe for the last guy.
I did get a card from my mom the day after my birthday. So I have that going for me,,,which is good.
The reality of the situation is that I can't remember anyones else's birthday (except my wife and kids) which reduces the reciprocity (thanks to Tom Clancy for the vocab) on my end.


Monday, March 14, 2005

Dude, where's your tail?

It's my birthday. One call, one email, and a check for $75(para mi suegra). Better than last year....75 bucks better. But it's still early. I celebrated by eating 6 tacos from Taco Bell and washing it down with water from the company water fountain.

My car has yet to be recovered. I think that I will send it the claim info tomorrow. I just couldn't do it on my birthday... which is TODAY!

Someone name Fifi (aka the Red-Monkey) actually read and commented on last month's post.... that was the best present ever...on my birthday... which is TODAY!

...which is almost FUNNY.